Beware of These 7 Fruit Combinations That Could Harm Your Child’s Health

child's health

How important is Child’s health for you?

Worried about child’s health? As a parent, you always want to make sure that your child is eating healthy and getting all the necessary nutrients. You may have heard that some fruits are not meant to be eaten together, but did you know that some fruit combinations can actually harm your child’s health? In this article, we will discuss seven fruit combinations that you should avoid to keep your child healthy and happy.

Eating fruits play a vital role in our overall health; in fact, a World Health Organization (WHO) report suggests a minimum of 400g consumption of fruits and vegetables every day in order to avoid chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity.

But despite being a healthy source of nutrients, did you know that there are some fruits that we could not combine or eat together as it may lead to discomfort in both infant and adults.



Child's Health


Orange and carrot are both healthy and nutritious, but when eaten together, they can cause heartburn and acid reflux. This is because they are both high in acid, and when mixed together, they can cause an imbalance in the stomach, leading to digestive problems
This combination may lead to heartburn, excess bile reflux, and could also damage the renal system which is normally the origin of more serious diseases.
Child's Health


Banana and guava are both high in fiber, which makes them a great combination for digestion. However, when eaten together, they can cause constipation, as they have different digestion times. Banana is digested quickly, while guava takes longer to digest, which can cause a backup in the digestive system.
When you combine and eat guava and banana at the same time, you will surely start feeling nauseous with a mix of a headache and stomach ache. This is because this combination causes gas and acidosis in our body.

Child's Health



Eating papaya and lemon at the same time may contribute to the development of anemia and hemoglobin issues. Avoid combining both at all cost especially when serving to children.

Child's Health


Banana and guava are both high in fiber, which makes them a great combination for digestion. However, when eaten together, they can cause constipation, as they have different digestion times. Banana is digested quickly, while guava takes longer to digest, which can cause a backup in the digestive system.
Stomach heaviness, slowing down of mind, and increased production of toxins is just one of the side effects felt by adults after eating this combo. For infants, this combo could be fatal.
Child's Health


Mixing cereals or oatmeal with orange juice is a very bad idea, this combination will not allow your body to process the starch present in cereals which can be hard for digestion especially for kids.

Child's Health


Pineapple is a delicious tropical fruit that is high in enzymes that aid digestion. However, when mixed with milk, these enzymes can curdle the milk and cause digestive problems. This combination can also cause skin rashes and allergies in some children, so it’s best to avoid it altogether.

This combination may produce bromelain which causes our body to feel intoxicated, nauseous, stomach pain, headache, and stomach gas. Taking pineapple and milk at the same time may develop an infection or lead to diarrhea.

Child's Health


Surprised? This is because fruits contain more sugar making vegetables harder to digest. The veggies stay inside the stomach while the fruit ferments which produces more toxins causing diseases and ailments like stomach pain, infections, diarrhea, and headache.


Apple and pear

Apple and pear are both crunchy and delicious fruits that are perfect for snacking. However, when eaten together, they can cause digestive problems, as they are both high in fiber. This can lead to bloating, gas, and constipation, which can be very uncomfortable for your child.

Why fruit combinations matter?

Fruits are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They provide essential nutrients that promote your child’s growth and development. However, certain fruit combinations can be harmful to your child’s health. When fruits are combined with certain foods, they can interfere with digestion, nutrient absorption, and cause other health problems. It’s essential to know which fruit combinations to avoid to ensure your child’s optimal health.

How to serve fruits to your child safely?

To ensure your child’s good health, it’s essential to serve fruits safely. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Serve fruits separately from other foods, especially dairy products.
  • Opt for fruits with a low glycemic index, such as berries.
  • Limit fruit juice intake and opt for low-sugar fruit juices.
  • Serve fruits with non-starchy vegetables.
  • Avoid serving fruits and nuts together.
  • Pay attention to your child’s digestion and avoid combinations that cause discomfort.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your child gets the maximum benefit from fruits and maintains good health.


Fruits are an essential part of a healthy diet, but certain fruit combinations could be harmful to your child’s health. By avoiding these combinations and serving fruits safely, you can ensure that your child gets the maximum benefit from fruits. Remember to pay attention to your child’s digestion and adjust their diet accordingly. With these tips, your child can grow up strong, healthy, and happy.


  1. Is it okay to serve fruits with dairy products?
  • It’s best to avoid serving fruits with dairy products, especially citrus fruits. The acid in fruits can curdle the proteins in milk, making it difficult to digest.
  1. Can I serve bananas and milk together?
  • It’s best to serve bananas and milk separately. When combined, the calcium in milk inhibits the absorption of magnesium and potassium in bananas, leading to an imbalance of minerals in the body.
  1. Is fruit juice and cereal a healthy breakfast combination?
  • No, fruit juice and cereal is not a healthy combination. Fruit juice is high in sugar, and when combined with cereal, it could cause a spike in blood sugar levels.
  1. Can I serve fruits and nuts together?
  • It’s best to avoid serving fruits and nuts together. The combination could slow down the digestion process and cause discomfort.
  1. How can I serve fruits safely?
  • To serve fruits safely, serve them separately from other foods, opt for low glycemic index fruits, limit fruit juice intake, serve fruits with non-starchy vegetables, and pay attention to your child’s digestion.

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